
admin / 2013.2.16 / 15 :52 pm

进出口报关提货 0+


1、 运价优势:翔久邦公司是MAERSK、MSC、NILEDUTCH、PIL、CSAV等船公司的直接签约代理,有明显的价格优势。其中,非洲/中东/印巴/红海/澳洲航线运价极具市场竞争力。
2、 拥有庞大的海外代理网络:翔久邦货运的服务航线已遍及非洲、韩日、东南亚、印巴、中东、欧洲、美加、澳新、中南美等世界各地,能为广大客户提供全方位的国际运输服务。
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admin / 2013.2.15 / 9 :54 pm

蒙得维的亚卡拉斯科机场 0+

机场地址 Montevideo Airport, Uruguay, Camino Carrasco 5519, Montevideo 机场到市区距离 离Montevideo很近 联络方式 电话 +598 (0)2 906463 传真 +598 (0)2 905652 电话国际区号 +598
常用语言 西班牙语 时区 GMT格林威治时间-3 候机楼情况 候机楼之间交通服务 机场问询柜台 公共交通 驾车指南 租车服务 酒店 机场资讯 提供航班服务的航空公司...
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admin / 2013.2.14 / 9 :59 pm

卢森堡机场介绍 0+

机场地址 Luxembourg Airport, Luxembourg, BP 635, Société de l´aéroport de Luxembourg SA, L-2016 Luxembourg 机场到市区距离 7公里 联络方式 电话 +352 24 64-2001, (Cargo) +352 24 56-6001 电话 +352 24 64-2464, (Cargo) +352 24 56-6101 e-mail: mail@lux-airport.lu or cc.freight.handling@luxair.lu 网址 www.lux- airport.lu 电话国际区号 352
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admin / 2013.1.29 / 16 :40 pm

港口Wellington 0+

International Freight Group is one of the most historic air logistics service (Cargonews Asia Union selected her as the most excellent air freight every year) .Along with more than 30 years’ continuous development and integration, she has built up a reliable and completed business in more than 120 countries and regions, owned 400 agents and branches, has built up a completed business network in Americas ,Europe and Asia, been always offering our customers the best and professional logistics supplying chain management program.
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admin / 2013.1.27 / 9 :57 pm

Guyane Francaise 0+

法属圭亚那(法语:Guyane française)法国位于南美洲北部的一个海外属地,因欧洲航天中心位于此地而闻名于世,地处大西洋边,与巴西和苏里南交界。法属圭亚那是法国领土的一部分,由法国中央直接管辖,从名义上不可称之为“殖民地”,因此它也是欧洲联盟的一部分。与法国本土相同,法属圭亚那的货币是欧元。
中文名称: 法属圭亚那
英文名称: Guyane Francaise
所属洲: 南美洲
首都: 卡宴
主要城市: 圣洛朗,圣乔治
国庆日: 7月14日
国歌: 马赛曲
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admin / 2013.1.23 / 16 :16 pm

Air Freight products 0+

Our business scope includes transportation by sea, land and air transportation, bulk cargo, customs declaration, quarantine, insurance business. Shipping, to Europe, the Mediterranean, the black sea, and the Middle East, the red sea and other regions give priority to dozen of routes, with YML/EMC/MSK/MSC/HANJIN/PIL/NORASIA cooperate closely, etc.
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admin / 2013.1.17 / 16 :46 pm


并经中华人民共和国交通部批准经营无船承运业务。我司拥有一个精通业务、善于管理、经验丰富、不断创新的管理层和一支精干、高效、充满朝气的团队。主营国际海运、第三国转口运输,国际空运、国际快递以及国际运输相关服务(进出口,拖车、报关、商检、保险、DDU,DDP,DOOR TO DOOR等),欢迎咨询!...
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admin / 2012.12.19 / 16 :57 pm

奥地利,芬兰,丹麦 0+

INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER) is set up in HongKong from 2001, is a wellknown/famous international logistics company in China, HANDLINK set up office from 2007, license Number: 4401032010448. And also it's a class A company. HANDLINK network covers southchina, eastchina, northchina and inland cities. Further, over 700 agents in the world are all standby to serve our customers. We specilize in providing the supply chain management solutions. 海运服务、国际多式联运服务、空运/快递服务、船务代理、驳船运输、全球拼箱服务、仓储与配送、陆运拖车、项目运输物流方案策划、代理报关报检、第三方物流、贸易及海运咨询等;同时还为客户提供完整的全程物流服务,包括物流整体方案策划和咨询、物流分发中心整体规划及运营管理,原材料与产成品的储存、配送、国际储运、货物代理、报关以及物流管理信息系统的设计和构建等一整套物流解决方案服务。
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admin / 2012.12.17 / 16 :27 pm

意大利 热那亚(GEN0A) 希腊 比雷艾夫斯(Piraeus) 0+

 The company was founded in 1996. 10 of struggle and development, and day - not only accumulated a great deal of industry experience, has forged a capable, professional service teams, and the establishment of a large umber of domestic and foreign customers long-term friendly relations. Now, with the company excellent geographical location, high-quality professionals, advanced enterprise management and logistics network technology, and TFL-international courier, air operations, such as developed by leaps and bounds - strive to customers reduce logistics costs while providing high-quality, all supporting services.
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admin / 2012.12.13 / 16 :50 pm

约翰内斯堡海运货代 0+

雅加达、汉城、曼谷、台北、东京、大阪、孟买、新德里 澳洲:悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、奥克兰
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