South-east 0+
如果您需要将在网点的货物运至船 舶挂靠的港区,上海中货将为您提供优质、快捷的服务。您只需在您提交的货物出口委托单上注明:〔需要我公司代您安排门点的内陆运输〕或〔需将货物送至我司指定仓库内装并短驳〕,并将我司装箱地点的具体名称、地址、联系人、电话、传真、或何时由何处送货进库等内容一一写明,我司业务人员均会按照您的要求,及时为您安排装箱、进港等事宜。
itself to the aviation logistics, and is specialized in the A/F markets of South-east, Middle-east, Australia and Europe. With its continuous development over the past decade, SZT has gained a concrete foothold in the A/F industry. By creating an extensive network with all major airlines and forwarding agents all over the world, SZT is able to provide a full-range of logistics services, and meet any different needs desired by its clients. SZT believes that its clients can always find their service package or product which can meet their unique needs under its great care in SZT. For a long time, SZT has been developing its E-Business Mode in order to improve its work efficiency, its quick response to any requests and smooth communication with all parties involved. The permanent power which makes SZT move forward is generated by its clients’ desire and requests which are worth the effort SZT puts and the time SZT spends. Nowadays, though competition is fierce, SZT will still keep developing and trying to find a new breakthrough in order to build a more beautiful future.
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