EMS, TNT, FEDEX Express Service 0+
签订进口合同-办理机电办进口登记-开信用证(电汇)-客户发货-审核进口单据-换单-报关预录-三检-商检(法定商检货物)-海关查验(属于抽检, 非法定查验)-海关放行出税单-交纳税金-海关电子放行-提货。
进口清关环节较多, 但如果事先准备充分、单证齐全的情况下均可快速通关。此环节我们可事先通知客户并办理在清关过程所需的文件包括相应的政府文件, 并根据客户实际的货物品名提供最合理的海关商品编码及进口税率, 以供客户参考。
Express a wide range of international channels &good price
1.DHL International Parts Service:
DHL Hong Kong Sheng Jie is the designated agency in one country, mainly operating through Hong Kong, DHL Express in to the world, the company owned DHL to provide the operating system and internal logistics system, customers can track the goods on the DHL website, with Services Well, transit aging fast, convenient query and safe. Every day more than a dozen car trips to Hong Kong to Hong Kong. Our company has 40 sites in the PRD, each site can be purchase and receipt.
2.UPS International Parts Service:
Sheng Jie is one of UPS domestic agents, staff for operations, there are agency accounts, prices of third-party account can transfer to create ultra-low discount, so you save more costs, UPS can turn a single number assigned in advance, the operation flexible and convenient.
3, EMS, TNT, FEDEX Express Service
Our company is one of the EMS agency, and Guangzhou, Dongguan, Chengdu and other post office has worked closely to provide comprehensive services at low prices, and to protect online prescription. Real-time tracking of goods. Our company has a very good and Shenzhen TNT partnership can enjoy ultra-affordable price of TNT, on the query and when tracking is urgently put in place, while our company is one of the federal agency in Shenzhen, services more comprehensive.
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