Maldves 0+
We focus on modern logistics industry with the core of international forwarding, providing cross-border one-stop integrated logistics and supply chain trading.
The cross-border integrated logistics services refers to general contracting and subcontracting of international air and ocean freight, including front-end services such as marketing ,consulting, designing, cost control, warehousing services such as inland transportation, handling and storage, loading and inspection, offshore services such as booking, documentation, customs and inward cargo management, international transportation such as air freight, ocean freight, multi-mode transportation and project logistics, destination services such as customs declaration, warehousing, transit and distribution, and cross-board logistics services such as settlement and cash flow.
Supply chain trading provides purchasing and distribution integrated services for manufacturer, including market information gathering, rate and delivery date negotiation, and logistics solutions and capital arrangement.
(五)其他相关服务为方便您的货物出口,我公司还可为您代办商检、动植检、熏蒸、危险品适运准单等一系列通关单证,同时还可为您代办 货物保险,实现货运的一条龙服务。为使您的收货人更迅速地提取货物,我公司还可为您办理提单电放事宜,您可凭您的正本提单和公司正本保函来我司办理此项业务,我司业务人员会尽快帮您联系目的港代理,并以书面形式通知其电放您的货物 ,同时将电放回执交您。
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