Usually in the purchase contract signed between prior agreement in the transportation insurance matters. Common ocean Marine cargo insurance, insurance and transportation insurance etc. Airmail goods, Among them, the ocean Marine cargo clauses of the insured risks, which is divided into basic risks and additional risks of two types:
(1) the basic risks have Particular business copy (PPC fpa, wpa - be worse (Particular business or business - American journalit or worse W.P.A) and All risks (All Risk - A.R.) three. The F.P.A. responsibilities include: due to the sea of the goods caused by natural calamities total, In handling and transshipment goods in the process of whole loss, Due to a general average sacrifice, and caused the salvor's expenses, Due to the transport ships sank, stranding, rifts and collision, flood, explosions and partial loss of goods total. Marine insurance W.P.A is one of the basic risks. According to the people's insurance company of China, the extent of liability insurance clauses except for various risks listed fpa, also undertake the bad weather, lightning, tsunamis, floods and other natural disasters. All risks insurance extent of liability of newspaper to W.P.A. and extraneous risks.
(2) additional risks. Additional risks have extraneous risks and special additional risks two types. Extraneous risks have steal TPND, fresh water, stolen shortage risk, leakage, breakage risk of breakage, hook and contamination risks, packaging, mildew, fracture risk, changing risk damp heat. Special risks are war risks, SRCC risks, etc.秉承“厚德载物、珍重托付”的服务理念,重品牌,讲诚信.旨在成为“帮助客户生意成功的伙伴”为使命,凭借一流的运作体系和持续完善的服务网络,竭诚为广大客户提供安全、快速、专业的精准物流服务。便捷、安全、经济、高效。
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