Import Logistics 0+
企业精神:勤奋、务实、高效、卓越 ;
企业人才观:一流的人才, 是建设一流企业的基础;胜任本职工作是人才, 创新开拓则是优秀人才;
企业目标:成为国内国际物流行业佼佼者; 我们充分考虑客户的各种需求,把服务延伸到售前,并把"用户的满意"作为衡量我们服务的标准,在尽最大努力来满足用户各种需求的同时,也为客户提供多种个性化投放模式,将客户的需求变为现实,实现最大程度上的双赢!
我们在人才的选择方面一直以务实作为自己的出发点,公司选择的人员不仅是最优秀的人才,也一定是公司最适合的人才。这些人才在促进公司发展的同时,公司也为他们提供了一个最适合的发展环境,从而真正做到人尽其才,才尽其用,为每个员工创造一个和谐、富有激情的环境,是环宇货运成功的重要因素;所有员工在人格上人人平等,在机会上人人平等;提供良好的工作环境,营造和谐的工作氛围,倡导简约而真诚的人际关系;高素质的专业团队是环宇货运才理念的具体体现。China procurement services secretarial services.
Leading the China Import Logistics
Seahog International Logistics Co., Ltd is the largest and one of the best-trusted China Customs Broker Companies, , providing a wide range of China import broker services including logistics agent, warehousing, China Customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and integrated China import solutions.
Seahog set up in 1997 and based in Shanghai and hold 11 branch offices, respectively located in Tianjin,Shenzhen, Guangzhou,Hong Kong,Qingdao,Ningbo,Suzhou,Chengdu,Xiamen,and Dongguan.With this huge network services,Seahog offer comprehensive import Customs broker services throughout China,more than 400 employees can create global to China supply chain solutions for companies of all sizes and individuals that plan to ship to China.
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