
admin / 2016.6.16 / 15:13 pm

全程国际海运代理 0+

 内陆运输拥有强大的集装箱卡车调度能力,能为客户提供及时、安全的内陆驳箱服务,我们的集装箱卡车安装有GPS定位系统,能够清楚地了解车辆动态。海铁多式联运,提供到中亚,俄罗斯及越南境内的"一票式"全程国际联运服务。Warehousing and Distribution Business

In response to customers’ need for distribution of essential components, the Company actively initiates the VMI HUB solutions, which satisfies the various logistics needs of customers for processing, sorting and distribution at a single spot, and radiates over Yangtze River Delta Area and Southern China. With the help of bonded transport model, we delivery the bonded cargo to a special self-enclosing area supervised by the Custom House that will be quite efficiently and quickly.

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