Sea-Air products 0+
Our Sea-Air products combine the cost advantage of ocean freight with the speed element of airfreight. Our tailored transport solutions are designed to meet your requirements and budget, and provide highly reliable cargo movement.
We offer bulk and break bulk shipping with charter tonnage and complete ship loads, as well as running liner parcelling services worldwide. We entertain excellent relations with all major shipping lines and vessel operators, and ensure the most economic and safest transport methods up to destination.
Our charter services include:
Consultancy on all aspects of the chartering process
Feasibility studies
Handling, loading and stowage services
Discharging supervision, port and terminal management
Value-added Services
Our dedicated teams of licensed customs brokers and import and export specialists take ownership and responsibility of customs clearance procedures, ensuring seamless export and import processes.
We make sure that your dangerous cargo is properly packed, labelled and declared and offer packing, labelling, classification and documentation services on request. 我们在不断提升自身服务素质的同时,逐步完善我们的服务网络和服务范围:设立了广州,深圳、虎门、塘厦、义乌、上海六个分公司;于2005年底开通了海运散货到泰国,台湾的门到门包税服务,实现了货物从中国至泰国,台湾空海运的结合;面对庞大数量的业务,依赖自身强大的专业技术团队,根据客户的需求,结合物流业务的特点,我司自主开发的全国实时联网的第二代货物网络管理系统已正式启用,实现了对货物信息流的及时掌控。我们将不断的完善自已的服务纲络,提高自已的专业物流服务水平,力求为您提供更快,更安全,更经济,更高服务水平的服务,以节约您的物流成本,为提升您产品的竞争力尽一份微薄之力。 给予客户更全面的服务﹐带给客户更高附加价值的服务﹐让立邦站稳本土踏上国际的舞台是公司全体同仁共同迈向的远景。
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