陆运,海运,空运报关中一切事宜 0+
其目前的核心业务是为客户提供以海运和空运为主体的多式联运服务。我们同多家船公司签定了优势航线的运输合约,并且同很多同行建立了良好的合作关系。围绕此核心业务,在过去的几年中,为了能够为客户量身订做全套的专业物流服务方案,我们大力发展了拖车,报关,代办商检,植检,熏蒸和一般产地证(C/O),普惠制产地证(FORM A)等服务。我们通过设立在各主要港口的分支机构,使得我们的服务范围遍及全中国的每个港口与主要货物生成地,我们可以为您解决陆运,海运,空运报关中一切事宜。We are such a team filled with passion, energy and youthfulness. We have experienced the harmony and love and participated in creating a colorful cultural life in PATENT.
We are such a team filled with a strong will and pursuing the greatness. While faced the opportunity and challenge, we are determined to cope with and never stop our pursuing the reform and innovation.
We are such a team with rich experience and high efficiency. We take the initiative beyond our desire to practically dedicate ourselves to the responsibility and obligation of our work and provide our clients with the best service.
We are such a team, actively pursuing a close co-operation and information sharing. Regardless of the co-operation which is based on either a strong- strong pattern or using each mutual advantages, we believe that the co-operation will bring about the fortune and communication will resolve the difference.
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