维多利亚(VICTORIA) 0+
经纬度:4 ° 27'0"S,56 ° 6'0"E
港务局: Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
地址: 202 ?468 Belleville Street
Victoria, BC V8V 1W9
电话: 250.383.8300
传真: 250.383.8322
邮件: gvha@victoriaharbour.org
网址: www.victoriaharbour.org
FUEL:AVAILABLE SAME AS PORT VICTORIA 塞舌尔马埃岛港口。最大吃水为9.79米,水的载重密度为1025。潮差为1.6米。每年的5月至10月盛行东南风,11月至次年的4月盛行西北风。在内外港中的150吨以上的船强制引航,领航必须在24小时内通知。无线电通讯经由港口控制台,甚高频16、12和6频道。工作时间:星期一至星期五:8:00-12:00/13:00-16:00,星期六:8:00-12:00,这些时间外和国定假日里的工作,按加班收费。所有的港内的航行活动仅限在白天进行。港口服务设施有:修船、加燃料、小汽艇、医疗、牵引、淡水、给养和遣返,无干船坞和排污。驻丹麦、中国、法国、意大利、利比亚、塞普路斯,马达加斯加、瑞典、美国、原苏联、德国、印度和古巴领事。港内有一个长263.65米的油船和杂货船码头,吃水为9.29米,对集装箱处理能力有限。客运码头仅停靠旅客班轮船。油船码头能停靠吃水为9.14米的油船。
Port History
Before Europeans arrived there in the late 18th Century, the area that became Victoria was inhabited by the Coast Salish peoples. Both Spain and Britain began exploring the coastal area of the northwestern American continent in the late 1770s. The Hudson's Bay Company established a trading post there named Camosun in 1843.
When gold was discovered in British Columbia in 1858, the Port of Victoria was the outfitting and supply center and port for miners. Victoria became the provincial capital in 1871 when British Columbia joined the Confederation of Canada. It was incorporated as a city in 1862, and nearby Esquimalt was made the North Pacific home to the Royal Navy in 1865.
When the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Vancouver in 1886, the Port of Victoria lost its commercial leadership. City fathers determined to overcome this setback began developing an image of gentility. They opened Butchart Gardens in 1904, and the Canadian Pacific Railway opened the Empress Hotel in 1908. When the real estate boom ended before World War I, the Port of Victoria was left with many Edwardian homes and buildings that contribute to today's distinctive character.
Victoria Harbour is known as one of the world's most beautiful harbors. Although the Port of Victoria is a major tourist destination, it is primarily a working harbor. It services the cruise ship industry, promotes whale watching and ecotourism, and operates ship repairing facilities and a float plane aerodrome.
The Port of Victoria is located on the southern end of Vancouver Island, and it has a temperate climate that is protected by the Olympic, Cascade, Coast Mountains, and Island Ridge ranges.
Port Commerce
The Port of Victoria's Ogden Point offers four deep water berths. The harbor is open all day every day. It has two passenger terminals. The Esquimalt Graving Dock is one of the largest ship repair facilities on North America's west coast, and it can accommodate the largest ships.
Cruising and Travel
Cruise ships bring over 300 thousand visitors to the Port of Victoria during each year's cruise season (from April to November). Among the popular cruise lines that visit the Port of Victoria are Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess Cruises, Holland America, Royal Caribbean International, and Celebrity Cruises.
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