St. Louis,MO巴林,伊朗 0+
Singapore and Southeast Asia harbor and airport. In Europe, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Southampton, Felix and more, Genoa, Venice, Helsinki and other harbor; in London, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan and other major airport cargo warehouse centers; in North America, New York, Baltimore , Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and other harbor; in Tokyo, Kobe, Japan and Singapore agencies directly with the companys many years of cooperation with world-renowned shipping companies and to establish good relations, is to provide you the most efficient transport cheapest tariff powerful guarantee! We offer our customers booking a charter, versions and documents, sailing notice to tariff inquiries, insurance agency, railway, highway and transit transport, overseas networks, and other related import and export of transport services to provide network services for overseas customers and domestic customers. including operating arrangements with the receipt and payment of freight and inland extension of the specified goods.公司投资设立专业的物流仓库,在蛇口和盐田分别租用几万平方米的场地,配置专业仓储人员管理配送,可为国内、外物流商及生产型企业提供进、出口货物的装/拆箱、仓储、货物分拣、重新包装、丈量尺码、称重、条形码扫描、贴标签、打托、缠膜、拼装配送等综合物流操作服务。
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