
admin / 2012.12.12 / 17:41 pm

广州机场 0+

We are able to provide updated specialty logistics resources to your cargo space booking, cargo pick-up arrangement, and export documents management. We are able to transport cargo packages at almost all sizes and track down the visibility of key events with our sophisticated technology. We are able to handle your TO DOOR shipment with our convenient visible worldwide service so as to optimize your routing and save your transit time. Clients can choose our flexible sea freight services according their schedule, cargo size and facilities
FCL (Full Container Load) Service- we offer FCL service from China to worldwide main port with a competitive rate.
并与多家航空公司及船务公司有着良好、密切的合作关系。(广州机场如:MH、JL、CZ、KE等;香港机场如:FX、AA、UPS、EK、CI等;快递代理(DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT、EMS),提供香港、台湾门到门进口全包业务等。自建业以来,公司在先进的国际运输体系中不断拓展业务,我司凭着卓越的远见和敏锐的触觉洞悉市场先机,不断创新,目前的网络已覆盖全球各大城市,凭借完善的代理网络,我们立志发展成为广州其中一家最具规模及备受推崇的货运机构。航球一贯秉承“安全、专业、快捷”的服务宗旨,力求为客户提供更为个性化的基础,不断得到社会各界人士的肯定及支持,使公司在短短几年时间里,屡创佳绩,而我们精益求精的运作更荣获ISO 9002质量管理检定证书,进一步验证实力。

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