意大利 热那亚(GEN0A) 希腊 比雷艾夫斯(Piraeus) 0+
The company was founded in 1996. 10 of struggle and development, and day - not only accumulated a great deal of industry experience, has forged a capable, professional service teams, and the establishment of a large umber of domestic and foreign customers long-term friendly relations. Now, with the company excellent geographical location, high-quality professionals, advanced enterprise management and logistics network technology, and TFL-international courier, air operations, such as developed by leaps and bounds - strive to customers reduce logistics costs while providing high-quality, all supporting services.
TFL-international cargo to the construction of high-tech modern management. With the airlines, ports and terminals, customs, commodity inspection departments networking operation, import and export declarations receive EDI paperless operation, the first time to understand the state of the flow of goods, timely initiative to make rapid response, in time, gain the initiative.
TFL-international, is committed to "providing the highest quality, the best service."
We hope every minute in any of your inquiries!
德国 汉堡(HAMBURG) 荷兰 鹿特丹(ROTTERDAM)
比利时 安特卫普(ANTWERP) 荷兰 阿姆斯特丹(AMSTERDAM)
法国 勒阿佛尔(LE HAVRE) 法国 马赛(MARSEILLES)
法国 福斯(FOS) 葡萄牙 里斯本(LISBON)
斯洛文尼亚 科佩尔(KOPER) 塞浦路斯 利马索尔(LIMASSOL)
西班牙 巴塞罗那(BARCELONA) 西班牙 瓦伦西亚(VALENCIA)
西班牙 瓦伦西亚(VALENCIA) 土尔其 伊斯坦布尔(ISTANBUL)
意大利 热那亚(GEN0A) 希腊 比雷艾夫斯(Piraeus)
意大利 那布勒斯(NAPLES) 挪威 奥斯陆(OSLO)
以色列 阿什杜德(ASHDOD) 瑞典 哥德堡(GOTHENBURG)
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