
admin / 2012.12.19 / 16:57 pm

奥地利,芬兰,丹麦 0+

INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER) is set up in HongKong from 2001, is a wellknown/famous international logistics company in China, HANDLINK set up office from 2007, license Number: 4401032010448. And also it's a class A company. HANDLINK network covers southchina, eastchina, northchina and inland cities. Further, over 700 agents in the world are all standby to serve our customers. We specilize in providing the supply chain management solutions. 海运服务、国际多式联运服务、空运/快递服务、船务代理、驳船运输、全球拼箱服务、仓储与配送、陆运拖车、项目运输物流方案策划、代理报关报检、第三方物流、贸易及海运咨询等;同时还为客户提供完整的全程物流服务,包括物流整体方案策划和咨询、物流分发中心整体规划及运营管理,原材料与产成品的储存、配送、国际储运、货物代理、报关以及物流管理信息系统的设计和构建等一整套物流解决方案服务。

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